Mellow Beetroot Chutney

6 x Medium sized Beetroots
2 x Tablespoons of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
1 x Teaspoon of Salt (or to your taste)
6 x Mild Pepperdews 
A 1/2 - 1 Teaspoon Dried Chilli (if you want it more spicy)
6 x Tablespoons of Brown Sugar
Zest & Juice of 1 Large Orange 
Black Pepper

Wash the beetroot, cut off the leaves and fine roots, but do not cut into the beet itself, it will bleed๐Ÿ˜‰
Then place the beets into a pressure cooker pot. Fill the pot with water to cover the beets, ad some salt and pepper and cook up. Let your pot get to full pressure and cook for about 5 minutes. 
Take it off the heat and leave the pot to cool down so you can open the pot.
Once opened, poke the beets to make sure they are cooked properly. Stick a fork in to one. The fork must slide in, but still be slightly firm.
Take the beetroot out of the water and place into a large roasting dish to stand and cool down to room temperature. 
At this point you can start skinning the beetroot. This is strangely satisfying peeling the skins off. Cut the tops and bottoms off and then just pull the skins....๐Ÿ˜œ they just come off.

Now slice the beetroot in half and start cutting slithers off, cutting thin matchsticks pices and then cutting them into little pieces. 

Take the large orange and zest it with a fine grater. Squeeze out all the juice and set aside. 
Also, finely chop up the Pepperdews.

Now we start cooking....
Heat the oil in a medium size saucepan. 
When it is nice and hot add the beetroot pieces, salt, chopped up Pepperdews and the brown sugar.
Cook for about 5 - 7 minutes stirring constantly and reducing all the juices. 
Now add the orange juice and the zest.

Continue stirring and cooking for another 5 - 6 minutes. Things are going to get slightly sticky and syrupy now. You can add more sugar if you want to, but having a member of the family with diabetes, I reduced the amount off sugar. Less sugar is not going to make it taste any less nicer, it is just going to have to be used faster.

The Chutney is now ready to eat. It can be served hot or cold.

If you are like me, glass bottles do not get thrown away. The nice ones in any case. They can always be used again.
Keep bottles with thick glass.

Take a tall pot, a spaghetti cooking pot, fill with cold water. Place the glass jar and the lid into the pot. Let all the air bubbles out the jar.
Then place on the stove on a medium heat and get the water slowly to the boil.
Once the water is boiling, use a pair of long tongs and take the jar out the water. Place upside down on a clean dish towel to cool down.
Once the bottle has reached room temperature again, you can start dishing up your chutney into the jar. 
Stir the chutney around in the jar to get all the air bubbles out. 
Close up tightly and store in the fridge. 

I got the recipe from Matt Preston's cook book, but reduced the sugar amount. His ratio is 2 tablespoons to one beetroot and one orange to a beetroot. I tried to make it a bit more diabetic friendly. 

